Ooopsss....feel like so long dint update my blogggieeee jor =)
Yea...this few days Mina not so free to on9 o...
Last thursday mina went to SK's house "bai tian kong".
They not Hokkien but Hakka!
Thought just having a small scale "bai tian kong", but im wrong...
woke up from a nap then went down to view what they r doing.....I was like, wah~
Not bad ma....Aunty cooked lots of food. For eg: spaghetti, own made toufu(that is super x3 nicess!), curry chicken (thumbs up!!!), tomyam mihun~and many many more!♥
Hmm, then uncle saw me....he seems like so happy coz long time meet him jor =)))
He asked me go take bath n change my later lots aunty uncle will come over SK's house for gathering..
After took bathe, im wearing my spec. SK asked my to wear lens. Duhh, did im look so ugly when wearing spec huh T__T !!! Boh bian lo, i changed it~lol
After all, aunty aunty n uncle uncle reached loo....they are so rich man~all LV LV on aunty hand same to their daughter.LOL!
Haha~met a cute aunty wei....she purposely asked SK who am I. And then asked as loud as possible infront all aunties why dint introduce me to them....oh no, tat time i was so so shy. rfrf~
Hmmm,"bai tian kong" end around 2am. Went to sleep looo. I shared bed with mama =)))
Mama birthday. HOho, had a family dinner. And, that was SK 1st time to bring his gal to his papa's side family dinner. Feel nervous at 1st, but was like very enjoy when talk to his relatives. They are so frenly ♥
Took some picha with his family.
Family picha, random picha with his sis, all 孙媳妇 included...aunty pushed me in ♥lolllll♥
And yea, his bro was so so funny....we were chating there with their cousin.
His bro asked her
bro: wat level u n ur boy reach d..?
cousin: hug d but not yet kisssss. want keep it.
bro: huh? real or not? dont keep it~
cousin: why?
bro: no value la. dont u think to seduce him?
cousin: no la.
bro: aiyo....boring relationship u having~
I laughed non-stop. HAHAHA!
Then, her turn to ask SK. He said before baby.... i stunned there..huh?
cousin: then where the ring? u 2 married?
sk bro : no la..they 2 going engaged d.
cousin: huh...really ar?
sk bro: la of course!
Feel like SK's brother was so so humour~! LOL
Hmmm, stayed his house for another day =)
Reached pv at 12pm.
Bring lots 年货 back from SK house. This happened when his sis kept telling their mom that im so skinny~asked her mom give me lots to eat. So cute right. HAHA!♥
And yea,
Having 3 hours math replacement class today. I was so tired within this 3 hours coz have to enter 3 hours lecture math to my brain. Im not smart...Duhhh~
monday is coming.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you =)))